Monday, March 31

Industrial Cake Baking Trays

I love our industrial cake baking trays we just got in. I purchased 20 trays from a baker in the Midwest who made a hundred cakes a day (6 are baked per tray in industrial baking ovens). I find them great for organizing things.  Carrying food out to the BBQ or presenting appetizers at a dinner party.  Also, perfect for displaying art - like jewelry (fill bottom first with a base of white rice or pebbles!) or kids art given they are metal and will take magnets.  Better yet, if you love baking, maybe they will inspire you to start your own bakery!  Possibilities are endless.  $65 for one tray with 6 built-in cake tins, measures 26"W x 17"H x 1.5" D, ships UPS ground.  To order and check out other great vintage finds, go to Kitchen section of Online Shop.

Sunday, March 30

White Space Exploration

The other week was my birthday and I had planned to indulge at Cavallo Point spa. Ahhh.  But when I realized my son, Finnegan, was off school for teacher conferences a day at the spa faded away.  Not wanting to spend all day at the playground, we both decided to do a White Space Exploration. That meant finding places that were simple, inspiring, and farm style. 

Our day started at nearby, organic Green Gulch Farm.

Then on the ferry to San Francisco Ferry Building for lunch.

Afterwards, we learned how to properly taste chocolate at TCHO chocolate tasting tour.

We finished off the day relaxing by a marina for dinner at Le Garage (no photos because we were too busy sipping wine and enjoying our food slowly just like the French!)
I hope these photos inspire you to do your own White Space Exploration.