Our recycled glass storage jars with metal tops are featured in the March issue of Better Homes & Gardens magazine (page 62).

Available in 4 sizes -- small with blue metal lid 9.25" H x 6.5" Dia, medium with green metal lid 11.25" H x 8" Dia, large with yellow metal lid 12.5" H x 9" Dia, xlarge with red metal lid 13.75" H x 10.5" Dia

Perfect for collecting and clustering objects such as fruit, tea bags, dog biscuits or flour in the kitchen. Or more unusual items such as wooden paper clips in the office. Cotton balls in the bathroom. Baseballs in a child's bedroom.
Email shop@maisonreve.com or 415.383.9700 to order. We ship across the United States, Hawaii and Canada.
Hi there, my name is Jenny and I own a shop in Canada called City.Cottage, www.citycottagestore.com
I AM IN LOVE with your shop! lol
I read the post on Maria's blog and my heart skiped a beat!
Just beautiful
Oh I've FOUND you I've FOUND YOU & I am THRILLED....Thanks to Dreamy Whites who dedicated a whole post to your LOVELY Maison Reve store I'll now be able to stop by for inspiration on a regular basis... :o) !!
Your GORGEOUS bedhead mantle is SO YUMMY when I stumbled across the pic in a magazine, I cut it out & popped it in my design folder....That folder travels with me EVERY day to work where I open it to your pic & prop it against a file near my computer.....When my day starts to 'wear thin', I look at your pic & it makes me smile... :o) !!
Recently at a swap meet, I found a very decorative mantle for a tiny $AU25- & now I now have my very own bedhead mantle....THANK YOU for the inspiration.....!! I would love for you to stop by & have a peek...!!
I'm THRILLED Dreamy Whites profiled your business on her blog....I hope to travel to the US in September & although I hadn't planned on a trip to Mill Valley, I certainly will now....!
Warm wishes from Australia,
Tamarah :o)
Hello from Canada....love your home(I have seen it in a number of mags) so glad to know you have a blog!! All the best,Chrissy
OOOOOh love the jars...curious about the prices.
Looks like you have a BEAUTIFUL store!
I saw so wonderful pictures from your shop in dreamy Whites blog!
I so love your shop all the lolevy things in there are so so amazing!
I just found your blog and i'm a follower now!:)
Have great day!
Hello, another fan here! I have your whole house in my idea notebook!! love you style & study it often! Just need a sweet old home like yours!! :)
We just moved into the neighborhood, and I walked into your lovely, lovely shop for the first time today. I'm smitten beyond belief! I loved just about every single item and will wait with baited breathe for your flea market!!!
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