Monday, January 2

Chapter Deux

This posting gives me a chance to share more details about the next Chapter of Maison Rêve. As I mentioned in a recent newsletter, our mission has always been simple -- to inspire you to create a home you love to live in.

Not a house but a home. Filled with memories and treasures that reflects your unique personality. A place where you enjoy the simple moments of life. Casual dinner parties with friends where they stop over on a Friday afternoon with a bottle of wine and you have the baguette and cheese. Cooking with your kids so they grow up loving all kinds of cuisines and become little gourmet chefs. Reading a book (with real pages!) on a rainy Sunday afternoon. Stopping to savor lunch rather than eating at your desk. Living with vintage, organic, fair trade, and locally crafted products to stay in harmony with your environment and give back to communities. 

This vision has always been a personal one. I learned this simpler lifestyle from my Suisse French mother as a child growing up in Montréal. So it has been a pleasure not only inspiring you with our products but also, hopefully, with a bit of this simpler lifestyle too. I am so grateful to each of you for being loyal to Maison Rêve these past 9 years. It has enabled us to significantly grow and expand each year - ending with our best holiday season ever. 

So with a New Year brings new change. This change has been evolving in me for more than a year now. I am a big believer in listening to our whispers. My whisper has been telling me to grow my own creativity and impact with Maison Rêve. I have learned personally the challenge of “doing it all at the same time” while still trying to enjoy the simple joyful moments of life. Really tough. So to enable true authenticity into my life, I want to announce some personal growth of my own with what might be called the next chapter for Maison Rêve. It involves closing the store on January 31st -- with many exciting new things to come in Chapter Two. 

The next year will be a real experiment of authentically living the Maison Rêve lifestyle. I will be growing our own garden. Taking cooking classes and teaching those tips to my two young children (Finnegan 5 and Delphine 2.5). I will also be looking to share these experiences with you.  Online.  Writing for a magazine. Creating a lifestyle book. And so much more. Should you want to join in and live this simpler lifestyle with me, we’ll be sharing these experiences and tips on this blog for the sheer pleasure of inspiring one another. 

And don't worry about products. We will have plenty of our signature vintage and organic products on to purchase. Remember we ship everywhere! For our local San Francisco Bay area customers, we will be hosting Maison Rêve Living events that combine our popular workshops and flea market finds at inspiring locations each season. My husband and I recently restored our 1893 Victorian home in Old Town Sausalito and that will be one of the venues for our Maison Rêve Living weekend events. Imagine experiencing urban farmhouse workshops throughout the property – organic gardening, simple French cooking, urban farmhouse decorating, feng shui, life coaching and more taught by local experts all while buying one-of-a-kind French flea market items right off the walls. Then maybe another event will be at a restored barn in Point Reyes. Who knows!  

If you want to keep up with these events, sign our guest book at the store this month or online at

If you want to benefit from our Moving On Sale come by the store soon or shop online.  Everything is 30% off! Includes: Vintage Flea Market Finds. Sofas and Rugs. Lovely Throws and Pillows. Libeco and Coyuchi Bed Sheets. Coyuchi Organic Towels. Hunter Boots. Locally Hand-made Jewelry.  Reclaimed Barn Wood Shelving. Store Fixtures and MUCH more! Sale starts January 3rd at 10 am.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to email me.

Thank you very much for your support. It has given me the courage to take my dream to the next level.

Inspirer and Founder
Maison Rêve
because some people dream in french
108 Throckmorton Avenue
Mill Valley, CA  94941