The night before Valentine's Day, and our window is full of heartfelt pledges from the community. Moms and children, friends and sisters, Dads and sons have all made some kind of small commitment this month to do something to giveback that can make a big impact. Maison
Rêve is proud to help people make a pledge for this month of love. So far we've given away over a 60 word stones to help people remember their pledge. Please come in and help us give back to our community by making an individual commitment of charity. Here are some of our favourite pledges so far...
"I pledge... no more paper cups."
"I pledge to pick up
trash at the beach."
"I pledge to donate my toys to charity."
"I pledge to plant a garden, and protect open space..."
"This month I will dedicate 10% minimum toward those in need of fresh water in Africa."
"Provide a monthly meal for Homeward Bound Residence."
What will you pledge?